Maybe your blog is new or it’s been around a while, but is it attracting the readership you want? Here are some things to think about to make your blog more popular:

1. Don’t just talk about yourself your company.

There’s lots of interesting things that people are doing in your industry. Do you agree with them? Do you have a unique perspective others’ work and ideas? Share your thoughts about these happenings and take the focus off of you.

2. Don’t just say you want more readers, plan for how to get them.

It’s not enough to just hope for readers to flock to your site. What tools are in place to attract new eyeballs? Whether it’s simple notes or a fully-fleshed out editorial calendar, you need to keep the fresh content coming. How’s your social media strategy? Are you doing all you can to promote your posts? Determine what is working and what isn’t – and don’t be afraid to experiment.

3. Understand what your readers want.

What content is resonating with them? Notice what posts get more comments and what gets tweeted out. Have you delved into your Google Analytics to see what keywords people are using to land on your site? These can indicate great paths toward great future topics.

4. Would you recommend your blog to a friend, colleague, or someone you just met?

If you are not proud your blog, take steps to make it the best it can be. This may mean that you do a little spring cleaning, work on your theme, get rid of a cluttered sidebar, or even drop any focuses that are no longer working. If your blog looks good and has compelling content, you should want to boast about it.

5. Recommit to your blog.

Maybe you started out in January ready to publish regularly, but posting has been sparse in recent months. Remember why you started your blog and rekindle your passion about your subject. Take care of your readers and they’ll take care of you.

What tips do you have for making blogs read by more than just your mom?

Photo by cogdogblog.