Purpose: GrokDotCom, published by the Conversion Rate Specialists, Future Now, is an award-winning newsletter that contains plain spoken and refreshingly irreverent content that helps their clients to develop and maintain websites that persuade their visitors to act.

Future Now wanted to convert its existing newsletter, which resided on a proprietary software that that they were outgrowing, and Movable type blog onto the more flexible WordPress blog platform. Now, GrokDotCom features articles and post written by Future Now authors, along with an extensive “blended” RSS feed of industry news.

Readers can learn more about how to increase online conversion rates, accountable multi-channel marketing, and web analytics by reading the blog, subscribing to it via RSS, or receiving daily, weekly, or monthly newsletter content into their email inboxes.

Features: ContentRobot customized the two-column WordPress theme to display the latest articles, blog posts, announcements, and events on the home page. At a glance, visitors can click to the “Persuasion Architect” posts and check out the GrokDotCom calendar. Readers can dig deeper to the posts and interact with the Future Now experts by adding their own comments and insights.

Behind the scenes, much attention was paid to search engine optimization to get the best search engine placement for the sheer volume of content that this blog steadily publishes. ContentRobot installed and configured Tag Warrior, SEO Title Tag, and Google Sitemaps, among other techniques.

ContentRobot also customized three newsletter templates for those readers who prefer to get the Grok content in their email boxes. Not only do they look like the site, each aggregates different content feeds for different timeframes (daily, weekly, and monthly).

Why It’s Successful: ContentRobot was able to flex our technical muscles to bring together several sources of content and pour them into a single content management system. The resulting converted site is easy to use and the content is accessible in many ways.

GrokDotCom appreciates the simplicity of adding, categorizing, and tagging content to their WordPress-driven site. Sending out the newsletters, which was a time-consuming and manual process, has now been mercifully automated – saving them both time and money to get their word out to the masses.

Go check out the site!