When bloggers go into their blog editors, the first thing they are encouraged to do is to write a post title followed by the content itself. Actually, it should be one of the last things you do. When the post is ready for publishing, go back and check to see if the title reflects the copy, has some great keywords in it, and is enticing enough for your readers to actually, well, read it.
Here are five questions that can help you to make your blog titles the best they can be.
1. How long is your post’s title?
An effective title is short, simple and easy to understand. Also, by curbing the babbling, provides a better chance for your entire title to appear within search engine results.
2. Would you click on your post’s title?
Strive to ensure that the title is compelling enough to entice a reader to click on it and read on. It can be factual, provoke thought, or even be controversial – just relate it to the content inside.
3. What can your reader learn from your post’s title?
Try to write a title so that they just have to read more. How about asking a question that you have answers to? Can you teach them how-to? Solving problems and sharing experiences often can draw in readers.
4. Does your post’s title quickly explain its content?
A title should succinctly express what readers can expect to gain by reading more. An evocative title without the supporting copy is a major turnoff!
5. Did you optimize in your post’s title for SEO?
We think crafting an SEO-optimized title is always a good idea. While we hate to write anything for search engines solely, a keyword laden-title can go a long way toward building a new audience.
So next time you are writing your post, try to develop your title last – your audience and search engines alike will thank you!