WordPress 3.8 (or Parker) has arrived! According to the announcement, 3.8 features:
A new modern design
- A modern aesthetic: A fresh new look to the entire admin dashboard with a bigger, bolder, more colorful design. The fresh, uncluttered design embraces clarity and simplicity.
- Clean typography: Features the Open Sans typeface for simple, friendly text that is optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing.
- Refined contrast: The new design is easy to read and navigate.
WordPress on every device (smartphone, tablet, notebook, or desktop)
- Sharper Than Ever: New vector-based icons that scale to your screen. Pages load significantly faster, too.
Admin color schemes
- Eight New Color Schemes: Pick one that suits your personality. You can even preview and change your color scheme from your Profile page.
Refined theme management
- All New Themes Screen: Survey your themes at a glance or click to discover more.
Smoother widget experience
- Streamlined Widget Screen: Simpler widget management when working on either a larger monitor or a tablet.
New Theme: TwentyFourteen
- For a Magazine-Style Site: Choose how your homepage looks with either a grid or a slider to display featured content. Customize with three widget areas or change your layout with two page templates.
What ContentRobot Says
We are very excited about this release. As usual, however, ContentRobot recommends waiting a few weeks before upgrading to these zero release versions. If you need any assistance with your upgrade, please contact us.