Remember when you listened to the radio, read the newspaper, watched TV, and surfed the net? You were part of a passive audience who sat there and were spoon-fed what the mass media wanted us to consume.

Now we live in a connected world where you can also participate! What was the domain of mass media can be done by the masses now.

The humble blog has given the press to us. Maybe you have your own blog. Or perhaps you’ve added your two cents by doing own some writing / commenting on other’s blogs.

Images and video can be done with a reasonably-priced digital camera! So we snap and shoot away – even from our cellphones. This allows you to produce your own visual view.

Podcasts have given the radio station to us, too. No longer stuck on unimaginative corporate frequencies, we can listen to stuff that interests and inspires us.

You now can decide how to engage with the media, including what application, what device, what time, and what place. And more and more of have participated in forming our own media experience.

This new “active audience” doesn’t want to just sit there but to take part, debate, create, communicate, share.

New media is doing all that, which makes us smile. Remember the power of the people, and use them to make your blogs and your brands more powerful, too!

~ Inspired by a story found on Press Think.