Hopefully what you write about in your blog is something you believe about with a whole lot of passion. But what happens if you aren’t passionate about the subject at hand? Here are some tips that can help you find your inspiration:

1. Find Your Angle
At first glance maybe a particular topic seems boring. But dig a little deeper by talking to the right people or reading an interesting book or article, you may find that there is something in their enthusiasm that sparks your imagination.

2. Choose Sides
From sport to politics, to really enjoy a subject you have to pick a side to root for. Think: Microsoft vs Apple, Red Sox vs Yankees … Find the benefits or the weaknesses, then get involved in it.

3. Humanize It
People are interested in people. Find the human angle and you might get more out of your subject area.

4. Make Connections
What are the amazing links between photography and bullets, relativity and hollywood movies, raincoats and blimps? Check out the PBS series, Connections, and find out how. Then make your own connections to things you thought were dissimilar.

5. Go For the Green
Nothing might be more motivating than cold hard cash.
Discover how you can make good money, and your latent passion may be ready to come and play.

Thanks to Performancing for inspiring this post.