Happy New Year, everyone! We sincerely hope that the next 365 days are full of hope and joy. ContentRobot has learned so much from our clients and colleagues about blogging in 2006, and thought we’d share our resolutions for 2007:

  1. Make our blog posts more personal. We found that blogs are so much more interesting when there is a personal slant. See how the Farmington Valley Goldens blog does this so well. And, of course, the puppy pictures are just irrestible.
  2. Make sure our blog posts encourage more two-way conversation. The guys at Bazaarvoice know how to get their readers involved and offers intelligent conversation on a variety of topics.
  3. Make sure our blog posts points readers to more onsite resources. New School Selling provides great content that encourages travel throughout the whole site.
  4. Make our blog posts more passionate. The Team Timex blog exudes passion and expertise as various team members document their training and racing experiences on the IronMan tour.
  5. Be bolder and make our blog posts a bit more controversial when we can. Education Insider combines politics and personal beliefs to challenge and support the public education system in Austin, TX.

What did you resolve to do on your site? How will can that positively affect your blogging in 2007?