ContentRobot had a busy last quarter of 2006, and we wanted to share the highlights with you.
Education InsiderIn October, we launched Education Insider. This blog-powered web site was designed to report on Austin, Texas public school policy and information. We originally developed the blog to handle paid membership, however, later this month, you will no longer need to become a member of the site to see all its contents. In case you missed it, read our case study and go check out the site.
SNOWatHOMENovember was devoted to SNOWatHOME, a small company which manufactures snow machines for both home and business use. ContentRobot provided our technical expertise and added a bunch of functionality to their site (along with a adapting a new look for them). Read more about this project and see the new website. launched their blog in December. Less than a month old, they have changed course a bit and have decided to open their members only intra-blog up to the public. ContentRobot has assisted them in developing the blog and meeting the organization’s evolving needs and goals. See the case study and site.
We enjoyed 2006 and are looking forward to meeting new clients and friends in 2007.