At the beginning of 2007, we helped GrokDotCom to convert their newsletter and two earlier blog attempts into one massive WordPress-based blog resource.
Jeffrey Eisenberg, in his recent post, You and I, Still Learning About Blogging remarked on its success.
The idea was that, while reintroducing Grok, we wanted our readers to be engaged in the conversation. So, we explained ourselves and kindly asked folks to resubscribe to the newsletter or RSS feed. A few baffled fan emails and comments later, we were off and running. And today, less than six months later, Technorati considers us to be one of the top 5k blogs. (GrokDotCom ranked around 42,000 six months ago.) Of course, we didn’t end the newsletter; we’ve just decided to open it up, so you can get fresh content daily, weekly, or monthly (your choice) in the form of featured articles, blog posts, and podcasts.
We are excited about Grok’s evolution and are glad to be a part of it!