Next decision: what other software will Timex need to effectively manage its new blog?

ContentRobot recommended that Timex take advantage of Flickr professional account. At $24.95 a year, it is a steal to store and manage a bunch of athlete and event photos. By storing them in a common place, bloggers will be able to easily add any of these these images into their posts.

RSS Feed Tracking and Management
One of the metrics that Timex needs to track is the blog’s RSS feeds. Feedburner will allow them to track the main RSS feed, athlete feeds, and event feeds. The statistics will let Timex stay on top of blog traffic, publicize, and distribute the blog’s contents as they wish.

Blog Metrics
Performancing offers a comprehensive realtime blog metrics tool that breaks down and analyzes the traffic, down to the posts and comment level, for a holistic view of blog performance. This great, online tool is free and their team is always improving it.

While we think everyone knows all about RSS and reads feeds daily, the reality is that a lot of people don’t even realize they are viewing a blog. Feedblitz will allow Timex Blog visitors to subscribe to a newsletter. Subscribers can keep-up-to-date with the blog with a daily email that includes all the new posts in a nicely designed format.

As you can see, blog add-ons (particularly the ones that help you track metrics) are an absolute must for business blogging. ContentRobot will continue to be on the lookout for great ways to manage blogs and recommend the best-in-class tools available.

Follow ContentRobot as we reveal the strategies and best practices we used when developing the Timex athlete blog and how we’d approach your business blog project.

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