Ah, we just scanned our blog and we see posts published in 2009 are (sigh) few and far between. Is ContentRobot adding to the trend of recent stories blaring that “Blogs Are Dead” and “A-listers Not Blogging?” Perhaps.
This quarter has been filled with many activities that have superseded blogging. Chief among them are:
- Client work has kept us way too busy, making us realize that we are extremely lucky in the face of the current economy.
- We’ve been busy experimenting with Twittering under a few profiles (contentrobot and wefixwp) and making new connections 140 characters at a time has been quite fun.
- We also have been having fun in FriendFeed and Facebook, too.
- We have a few secret projects in the works, one of which should be unveiled by the 4th quarter!
While we deal with our growing pains, we do missing communicating in the longer form. It certainly makes us appreciate prolific bloggers, such as Chris Brogan, who continually pumps out great content on a regular basis.
Let’s hope we can help to turn the tide back to the trend that blogging is “here to stay.” Wish us luck!